As one of the youngest members of the group I've just fished my diploma thesis on fluid-mechanical modeling of
artificial heart valves. You can get a copy of the german version as
or as compressed postscript. A shortened english versionwill soon be available.
Scientific Interests:
- Mathematical Modelling in Cardiology
- Navier-Stokes
- Numerical Analysis
Some links I found interesting:
If you don't feel like doing mathematics
24 hours a day, how about a night out?
Before I came to this institute, I spent a year in Paris
studying mathematics at the University
Paris VI - with a little lack of enthusiasm,
because Paris seemed to offer much more than that...
So here are some interesting french links:
Back to
AG Jäger's home
or IWR's home page.
Address: Institute of Applied Mathematics, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, D-69120
Phone: (+49) 6221/54-6117