Dr. Flavius Guias
1989-1994 * Faculty of Mathematics of the
Timisoara University, Romania.
October 1992 - March 1994 * visiting
student at the Heidelberg University in frame of the TEMPUS program.
October 1994 - July 1998 * Ph.D.
student at the Heidelberg University under the guidance of Prof. Jäger.
July 1998 * Ph.D. degree. Title of the
thesis: "Coagulation-Fragmentation Processes:
Relations Between Finite Particle Systems and Differential Equations ".
July 1998 - June 2000 *
Postdoc position in the Graduate College at
IWR Heidelberg.
July 2000 - present *
Scientific position in the SFB 359 , Heidelberg.
My scientific interests are the following:
stochastic processes
partial differential equations, semigroup theory
many particle systems and their deterministic limits
numerical simulation of stochastic processes
mathematical modelling of nucleation and clustering phenomena by stochastic
or deterministic approaches
1. Stochastic approximation of the solution of a
coagulation-fragmentation equation with diffusion, Proceedings of the
International Conference on Approximation and Optimization (Romania) -
ICAOR Cluj-Napoca, July 29 - August 1, 1996, Volume II, pp. 127-134.
A Monte Carlo Approach to the Smoluchowski Equations,
Monte Carlo Meth.Appl. (MCMA) 3 No.4 (1997), (313-326)
Processes: Relations Between Finite Particle Systems and Differential
Equations, Preprint 41/1998, SFB 359, Heidelberg
Stochastic Models for Coagulation-Fragmentation Processes,
in ECMI - Activity Report, edited by MIRIAM (Milan Research Center for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), (1999)
A Direct Simulation Method for the Coagulation-Fragmentation Equations with
Multiplicative Coagulation Kernels ,
Monte Carlo Meth.Appl. (MCMA) 5 No.4 (1999), (287-309)
On Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for a Class of Infinite-Dimensional
Systems of Differential Equations,
to appear in Mathematica
Convergence Properties of a Stochastic Model for Coagulation-Fragmentation
Processes with Diffusion, to appear in Stoch.Anal.Appl.
Talks at the following conferences and
International Conference on Approximation and Optimization, Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, August 1996
Workshop Phase Transitions (WIAS - Berlin), June 1997
Workshop Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations (WIAS - Berlin),
September 1997
Workshop Flow in Random Media (Universite Lyon 1), June 1998
NMA'98 - 4th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications,
(Sofia, Bulgaria), August 1998
Mathematics of Polymers
(Milano, Italy), February 1999
Stochastic Models From Statistical Physics,
(EURANDOM-Eindhoven), April 1999
(Jyväskylä, Finland), July 1999
Many Particle Systems in Mathematics, Physics and Biology
(Ringberg Castle at Tegernsee, Germany), February 2000
Multiscale Problems in Science and Technology
(Dubrovnik, Croatia), September 2000
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Address: Institute of Applied Mathematics, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294,
D-69120 Heidelberg
E-mail: Flavius.Guias@IWR.Uni-Heidelberg.De
Phone: (+49) 6221/54-6143
Home address: Kolbenzeil 16A, D-69126 Heidelberg
Home phone: (+49) 6221/300840